Lucent objective book ।। online quiz ।। chemistry online quiz।। general science mcq ।। पदार्थ की अवस्था वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न ।।

Lucent objective book Physics (भौतिकी) 1. यांत्रिकी (mechanic) set-1 set-2 2. ऊष्मा (heat) set-1 set-2 3. ध्वनि (sound) set-1 4. प्रकाश (light) set-1 set-2 5. विद्युत (electric) set-1 6. चुम्बकत्व (magnetic) set-1 7. आधुनिक भौतिकी। set-1 8. विभिध set-1


My self Umesh raj from raxaul east champaran bihar. I am a student of pg (mathematics) from vksu ara. And teach math for competitive examination.

एक टिप्पणी भेजें

Thanks for feedback

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